Dancing in Wuppertal

Performing in Wuppertal with Stephanie Miracle and the Fakers Club was such a wild, beautiful experience. I was there as part of their preparation for a two-week residency in France, and instead of just rehearsing in a studio, we took it to the streets. Literally. I danced right under the Hauptbanhhof station of the Schwebebahn, that famous monorail from the Pina movie about life and work of Pina Bausch, the late dance legend. We could see her company’s studio from where we were dancing.

It brought back memories of the last time I was in Germany, performing at Pina Bausch’s festival in 2008. I even had the chance to meet her in Düsseldorf. That moment has always stayed with me, and now, years later, here I was, dancing in Wuppertal, where her spirit and legacy still feel so alive.

There’s something really special about the dance scene in Wuppertal. The history there is just incredible, and being able to perform with local dancers—especially some of the younger ones—was such a gift. It reminded me why I love this art form so much. When you’re surrounded by people who bring fresh energy and new ideas, it (re)ignites your own passion. There’s this powerful sense of collaboration, where everyone is contributing, and the lines between generations and experience just blur.

We also got to rehearse in this amazing space called the Dance Station, or Tanzstation, which is actually inside a train station. The constant motion, the sounds of trains—it gave everything this dynamic, moving energy that felt perfect for the work we were doing.

I’m so grateful to Stephanie for inviting me into this process. Being in that space, in that city, with those dancers—it was one of those experiences that stays with you. It wasn’t just about the performance; it was about connecting with the history, the people, and the place in a really meaningful way. I’ll carry that with me for a long time.